This episode, written by Jeremy Adams, features a musical number (!) with Jensen Ackles, Christian Kane, and the Supernatural crew band "The Impalas" singing "Good Ol' Boys." It also has some great dramatic moments between Ackles and Kane - a true pleasure to work with these two and see this story come to life in deep, meaningful ways.
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EPISODE #1404: "MINT CONDITION" (Aired November 1, 2018)
My fifth (!) episode of Supernatural was so much fun: a Halloween episode about a fictional Michael Myers-type character featuring scenes from a fictional series of 1980s horror films called "All Saint's Day." A really entertaining story written by Davy Perez.
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EPISODE #1311: "BREAKDOWN" (Aired January 25, 2018)
I directed this very dark and creepy episode last November and had a lot of fun bringing this twisted story (written by Davy Perez) to life.
To request the password, please contact my agents or send me a note directly.
My first episode of "Supernatural" was a blast to direct and features great performances and some fun/scary fight scenes! This excellent script was written by Meredith Glynn.
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